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Triangle Venture Partners, LLC, TVP, seeks to provide a full range of services to our clients that include, but are not limited to raising capital, managing and investing capital, and, both access to and delivery of critical advisory, management and operating expertise to achieve attractive returns. We target companies that need to raise investment capital, but also require deep management services expertise to achieve a successful startup, launch or venture opportunity.

TVP invests primarily in opportunities where a company or venture is seeking more than investment capital, and needs an experienced team to raise capital, develop a practical, achievable strategy, and work with the company to build a growth path forward. Many opportunities that we pursue require that we function as a “fundless” sponsor” that seeks to identify opportunities that are a fit, and, then pursues the necessary investment capital from potential partners, investors, private equity funds and, in some cases, securing certain forms of debt. In most, if not all of the opportunities that we pursue, we are looking to provide a combination of capital and services, such that we can play a prominent role in shaping the investment opportunity, its strategy, management team and the critical financial goals that will deliver an attractive return.

We meet private investors, bankers, attorneys, startup management and boards of both startup and underperforming companies and a wide array of service providers who often have questions about our strategy, ownership structure, preferred role and business model. In this section, we have compiled a brief “tutorial” that provides insight into the most frequently asked questions we field from all of the players we work with during a typical year.

How large is your fund?
We do not run any fund, per se. We define an investment target amount as a baseline for the year. We may modify our commitments throughout the year, depending on the investment requirements of the opportunities we pursue.

Q: What size investments do you make?
A: We invest in the range of $100,000, at the low end, up to the low single digit Millions, most in the range of $1-< $10Million. If the opportunity requires more capital than we are prepared to invest, we engage with partners, private investors some fund managers to assist.

Q: What market segments do you invest in?
A: We invest primarily in the markets where we know we can make a difference drawing on our collective operating, investment and senior management consulting experience base. We focus on five key market segments that typically “fit” under the following categories:

  • Enterprise Software
  • Business Services, including Business Process Outsourcing
  • Internet, E-commerce and some Infrastructure
  • Digital Media
  • Financial Services, particularly consumer delivery services

Q: Do you make early stage investments, if so, how early?
We are not seed stage investors, and, while we see many interesting and attractive seed opportunities, we are happy to refer these opportunities to firms in our network that can provide the necessary capital and ongoing management that this stage company needs most.

Q: Your website indicates that your firm looks to make investments in “turnaround” or distressed situations. What type of companies do you target?
A: We review many turnaround opportunities from a wide range of deal sources, including bankers, attorneys, investors and service providers. We analyze the opportunity to determine if it fits with our market segment focus and investment threshold. We evaluate each opportunity to understand how we can best add value to accelerate the turnaround and position the company on an achievable growth path forward.

Q: You have offices in San Francisco and the Boulder- Denver area. Do you look for the same opportunities in both these locations? Do you consider opportunities in other locations?
Yes, we concentrate on the same market segments and opportunities across our offices. We work primarily on the West coast, Denver and Boston. We do work with some international companies, investors and venture opportunities, primarily in selected European countries and in China.

Q: How do we engage with or submit an opportunity to TVP?
A: You can go to our contact page and use the email inquiry profile to send us an email, business plan or whatever document best describes the situation you want to engage with us. You can also call us directly at either of our offices.

We look forward to meeting via email, phone, in person, whatever works best for you. Thank you for your interest.

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